ULTRA coated MultiSink™ (601056)


COMBINATION COUNTERSINKING TOOL FOR USE ON THE MOST CHALLENGING APPLICATIONS Ultra coated Multisink for increased wear resistance whilst countersinking the toughest materials like Hardox® wear plate, Inconel® and Armor plate. The MultiSink is a worldwide unique new Combination Countersink Tool designed & developed by HMT for use with Magnetic Drills....
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Ultra coated Multisink for increased wear resistance whilst countersinking the toughest materials like Hardox® wear plate, Inconel® and Armor plate.

The MultiSink is a worldwide unique new Combination Countersink Tool designed & developed by HMT for use with Magnetic Drills. The multisink combines with the VersaDrive product range to allow you to Broach & Countersink, Drill & Countersink, Tap & Countersink or even Drill, Tap & Countersink in one operation.

Product Benefits

  • Innovative Combination Countersinking Tool
  • Save Time Completing Countersunk Holes
  • GoldMax low-friction titanium coating to stop burn-out
  • Broach & Countersink in one operation
  • Drill & Countersink in one operation
  • Tap & Countersink in one operation
  • Drill-Tap & Countersink in one operation

VersaDrive ULTRA coated MultiSink

CounterSinking Hardox & Wear Plate FAQ Section
Q: What speed should I run my Countersink at in Hardox?
For Countersinking at 40-55mm diameter we reccomend a speed range of 160-110 RPM

Q: Which Lubricant do you recommend for Countersinking Hardox and wear resistant materials?
HMT BioCut Blue cutting fluid works particularly well with hard materials like Hardox and Wear Plate and is ideal for direct application onto the tool and into the hole when working on flat surfaces. When countersinking Speedlube works particularly well when countersinking wear plate material as it allows fast and visible coverage of the entire cutting face and workpiece.

Q: Can I use HSS tools to countersink Hardox and Wear Plate materials?
High speed steel tooling is not recommended for Countersinking Hardox and other wear plate materials due to the extreme surface hardness. Tungsten Carbide and specially coated tooling like the Ultra Coated TCT MultiSink is essential

Q: Can I countersink Laser or Plasma Cut holes in Hardox?
Yes, but you should reduce the RPM accordingly and use increased lubrication and feed pressure. Reduced tool life should be expected due to the heat hardened surface, and probable rough edges of the hole causing uneven cutting and wear. Laser & Plasma Cut holes will not cut a perfectly round hole and will prevent the use of a pilot to guide the countersink. This is likely to further reduce the life expectancy of the too

Q: How many holes can I expect from a CarbideMax Ultra TCT Countersink?
Our own test results using VersaDrive series Magnet Drills we achieved in excess of 50 holes per countersink before the test ended (tool was still working). However countersinking Hardox and Wear Plate materials with portable tooling is one of the toughest drilling tasks and in less than optimum conditions life expectancy could be significantly lower. We are on hand to help with your application and we can most likely suggest some improvements to help increase life expectancy.

Q: How can I access further technical support or submit a warranty claim for my VersaDrive Countersink?

Please click here to access our product support area and warranty claim forms. If making a warranty claim please fill in the appropriate warranty form, providing us with as much of the requested information as possible and one of our technical team will review the feedback and be in touch shortly.

1. Countersinking Hardox and Wear Plate Best Practice
  1. For best results the Countersink must be piloted. Do not use the MultiSink tool without a pilot when countersinking Hardox and Wear Plate
  2. Do not allow the countersink to vibrate over swarf while cutting as this will cause chatter, ultimately causing the cutting edges to chip & blunt
  3. For Countersinking Hardox & Wear Plate we recommend frequent Speedlube application
  4. Regular Speedlube application when countersinking Hardox & Wear Plate is essential
  5. Frequent removal of Swarf when countersinking is essential to avoid the teeth chipping
  6. A hand brush works better than mag stick to clean cutter and material surface
  7. For best results and life expectancy of tooling, use a high torque/geared Magnet Drill with speed control
2. RPM guide - Best RPM values for countersinking different hole sizes and materials

ULTRA coated tooling has been designed for use with Hardox and other extremely hard materials.

It should be understood that drilling holes in these materials is a specialist task and good results are dependent on the right setup - including high torque/slow speed, geared Magnet Drills, like the VersaDrive Series, and ample BioCut Blue lubricant.

3. Key Dimensions and Measurements
Multisink key dimensions


  • Data Sheet & Best Practice Guide

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