News — Drilling

Rückhaltung von Schneidresten beim Magnetbohren – Ein exklusives System von HMT

Unter Verwendung von Standard-Räumpraktiken wird beim Bohren von Metall eine als "Slug" bekannte Abfallscheibe erzeugt. Normalerweise fällt dies harmlos vom Arbeitsbereich in den darunter liegenden Boden und stellt kein Problem...

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British Antarctic Survey’s Rothera Site adds the fearsome MAX200 magdrill to their HMT fleet

Holemaker Technology chosen once again to support construction at British Antarctic Survey’s Rothera Research station.

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HMT VersaDrive Combi DrillTap

HMT VersaDrive Combi DrillTap

Geposted von Piers Crane am

The Combi DrillTap combines the process of drilling and tapping into one fast, efficient operation. This innovative range of bits provides fantastic performance and safe tapping with minimal kick back.

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HMT Versadrive Impact Step Drill

HMT Versadrive Impact Step Drill

Geposted von Piers Crane am

The HMT VersaDrive Impact Step Drill is the first of its kind, uniquely optimised for use with Impact Wrenches and Drivers to enlarge holes in seconds.

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Speed is of the essence with the HMT Versadrive TurboTip

Speed is of the essence with the HMT Versadrive TurboTip

Geposted von Piers Crane am

The HMT VersaDrive TurboTip drill bit is a game changer in metalworking. If you’re looking to drastically increase the performance of your drilling then this is the set for you.

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Introducing the DrillSink

Introducing the DrillSink

Geposted von Hugh Crane am

Here at HolemakerTechnology, it's our aim to speed up metalworking, taking often long, laborious processes and looking for innovative solutions for making them quicker and easier.

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